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Welcome to St. Thomas Episcopal Church!  Thank you for taking the time to see what our church is all about. We are a church that finds meaning in a structured worship that has ties to the ancient church. It is both historic and vibrant, prayerful and joy-filled. Our church is growing. When you visit us, please fill out a visitor’s card and identify yourself so that we may formally welcome you with a gift after your visit.  We are a people who like to celebrate together, care for one another, and make a difference in our community.  Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to join us.

St. Thomas Episcopal Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia who is a member of The Episcopal Church.  The Episcopal Church is characterized by open-mindedness, a commitment to vibrant, ancient worship,  an appreciation for the holy that is found in ordinary things, and a belief in the importance of reading scripture through the lenses of tradition and reason. 

The parish of St. Thomas is located in the idyllic Isle of Hope area of Savannah.  Founded in 1922, we lovingly maintain our beautiful, historic buildings while looking for ways to be relevant and engaged in this modern time.  The people of St. Thomas are fun-loving and kind with a deep appreciation for community and a commitment to making a difference in the greater Savannah area.

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