St. Thomas Episcopal Church
We are a welcoming community of faith and love that serves one another and seeks to draw others to God through our ministries.
Maundy Thursday
April 9 at 6 pm
We will celebrate Eucharist with the special intention of remembering the Last Supper, and we will observe Jesus’ commandment to serve one another by washing each other’s feet. Then we will observe the stripping of the altar, leaving in silence after that is finished.
Good Friday
April 10 at Noon and 6pm
Our Good Friday liturgy walks with Jesus through his betrayal and crucifixion. Our noon service offers a family friendly journey through the Stations of the Cross.
At our 6:00PM worship service, we readthe Passion according to St. John to participate once more in the story of his death. The Solemn Collects, a series of prayers, are punctuated with periods of silence for reflection. We will have the opportunity to venerate or revere the cross and receive Communion from the Reserved Sacrament since the Eucharist is not celebrated on this day.
The Great Vigil of Easter
April 11th at 8 pm
The Great Vigil of Easter is one of the most ancient liturgies in the Church. We gather in darkness outside to kindle the new fire from which we light the Paschal Candle. We enter the darkened church (which is like a tomb) by candlelight and the minister sings the Exsultet, an ancient song about Easter rejoicing. Still in darkness, we hear the story of the people of Israel through readings. We will baptize those who want to join the body of Christ, and we will renew our own baptismal covenant, remembering that it is through Baptism that we are joined with Christ in the Paschal mystery of death and resurrection. Finally, the Celebrant announces “Christ is risen!,” the lights come on, and it is Easter! We sing together and celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter.